In cooperation with our partners, we campaign for professional employee acquisition in Saxony-Anhalt. We have the ability to quickly and reliably communicate specific questions to our network of local chambers, unions, associations, and colleges.
You can find information on our network partners and regional stakeholders for professional employee acquisition below. We invite you to learn more about what they have to offer.
Dessau-Roßlau, Anhalt-Bitterfeld and Wittenberg Districts
Office Hours: Thursdays 9:00am-3:00pm and by appointment
Koordinator WelcomeCenter Sachsen-Anhalt, Fachstelle Zu- und Einwanderung und Arbeitsmarktintegration | Regionalberater WelcomeCenter Sachsen-Anhalt |
Regionalberaterin WelcomeCenter
Koordinatorin Weiterbildungsagentur Sachsen-Anhalt
Koordinator Fachkräfte | Regionalberater
Regionalberater WelcomeCenter
Regionalberater Unternehmen
Halle, Saalekreis, Burgenlandkreis, Mansfeld-Südharz (Mansfelder Land District)
Office Hours: Thursdays 9:00am-3:00pm and by appointment
Regionalberaterin WelcomeCenter
Regionalberaterin Fachkräfte
Regionalberaterin WelcomeCenter
Regionalberater Unternehmen
Regionalberaterin WelcomeCenter
Harz District, Mansfeld-Südharz (Sangerhausen District)
Office Hours: Thursdays 9:00am-3:00pm and by appointment
Magdeburg, Jerichower Land, Salzlandkreis, Bördekreis
Office Hours: Thursdays 9:00am-3:00pm and by appointment
Koordinator Unternehmen| Regionalberater
Regionalberater Unternehmen / Digitalisierung
Regionalberaterin Fachkräfte
Regionalberaterin WelcomeCenter
Regionalberater Unternehmen
Koordinatorin WelcomeCenter | Beraterin
Regionalberaterin WelcomeCenter | Projektkoordination
Regionalberaterin WelcomeCenter
Regionalberaterin WelcomeCenter
Regionalberaterin Fachkräfte
Regionalberater Unternehmen
Regionalberaterin WelcomeCenter
Regionalberaterin WelcomeCenter
Regionalberater Unternehmen
Regionalberaterin Fachkräfte
Regionalberaterin WelcomeCenter
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