
Ihr aktueller Standort

The City of Halle (Saale) - Economic and Scientific Service Center

The Economic and Scientific Service Center (DLZWW) is the primary point of contact for companies and institutions in Halle (Saale).
Our offering includes:

  • Services for locally-based companies and institutions
  • Real estate and investment services
  • Site development
  • Start-up consultation
  • Subsidy consultation
  • Information on the economy and sciences
  • Construction site management
  • Project coordination

The City of Desau-Roßla - Office of Economic Development

Dessau-Roßlau's Office of Economic Development is responsible for the promotion and
support of economic growth in the Bauhaus city.

Comprehensive Consultation and Support
We are the primary point of contact and complimentary full-service agency for all prospective investor companies from within the city or elsewhere. As early as the project development phase of your plans, we can provide valuable assistance in the form of our individualized, results-oriented consultation and preparation of any and all site-relevant information and parameters.

Your Success is Our Business
In cases of operational relocation or expansion, we can help in the search for an ideal site, organize contact with potential project partners and permit offices, and assist in the acquisition of financial subsidies. The goal of our comprehensive economic services is to ensure the sustainable success of your business. We handle everything from new relocations to the city, to supporting locally-based businesses, to start-up certifications.

One-Stop Investor Services
We also handle business location marketing and operational site advertising, subsidies for companies and start-ups, involvement in local and regional economic networking, and management coordination in business-related
approval procedures.

Economic Development and Promotion Group of Anhalt Bitterfeld mbH

The Economic Development and Promotion Group of Anhalt-Bitterfeld mbH (EWG) is a fully-owned subsidiary of the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld. We act as a service provider for companies in the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld. EWG Anhalt-Bitterfeld mbH acts as the interface between business and management.

  • Inform and consult businesses free of charge and assist companies in matters of site acquisition, application for financial subsidies, and approval procedures.
  • Inform businesses as to currently available subsidies and facilitate managing stakeholders in decision-making matters.
  • Consult and certify start-ups in the context of Saxony-Anhalt's ego.-WISSEN subsidy guidelines.
  • Organize innovation forums and branch-specific networking events and promote collaboration among colleges, research bodies, and companies.
  • Act as an interface between business and management. We maintain and coordinate collaborations among companies, institutions, unions and management.
  • Organize trade fair participation in joint-use booths for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Assume project ownership for local construction and development activities.

Salzlandkreis Economic Development - Society for Economic Development in the Bernburg District mbH

WFG Bernburg GmbH is a municipal company owned by Salzlandkreis. In accordance with its charter, WFG Bernburg acts as a service provider for the Salzlandkreis economy and is the point of contact for companies, entrepreneurs, municipalities, and the tourism industry. The society also seeks to drive growth and provide employment, support development in a forward-looking economy, and to improve Salzlandkreis's positioning as a potential place of business.

Offerings and Focuses:

  • Industrial site management
  • Promotion of relocations and operational maintenance/expansion
  • Location marketing
  • Assistance and guidance for start-ups and family-business successors
  • Pilot service for approval procedures
  • Contact maintenance among companies, scientific bodies, and colleges
  • Professional events

Standortmarketing Mansfeld-Südharz GmbH

Unsere Gesellschaft hat seit dem Jahr 2012 den Auftrag die Struktur des Landkreises Mansfeld-Südharz durch die Förderung von Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Tourismus, Freizeit und Erholung zu verbessern. Seit 2019 sind Gesellschafter der Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz, die Lutherstadt Eisleben, die Berg- und Rosenstadt Sangerhausen, die Verbandsgemeinde Mansfelder Grund – Helbra, das Seegebiet Mansfelder Land, die Gemeinde Südharz, die Stadt Mansfeld und die Sparkasse Mansfeld-Südharz.

Ihren Sitz hat die Wirtschaftsförderung in der Kreisstadt Sangerhausen im „Haus der Wirtschaft“.

Unsere Wirtschaftsförderung ist für alle Unternehmen die zentrale Anlaufstelle. Von der Gründung über die Expansion bis zur Frage der Unternehmensnachfolge – in allen Unternehmensphasen helfen Ihnen unsere erfahrenen Fachleute und unser Netzwerk bei den nächsten Schritten.

Unser Auftrag:

Wir unterstützen Sie bei…

  • der Ansiedlung
  • der Standortsuche
  • der Betriebserweiterung
  • Modernisierungsmaßnahmen
  • der Existenzgründung
  • der Fördermittelrecherche
  • Genehmigungsverfahren
  • der Unternehmensentwicklung und
  • der Vernetzung mit anderen Akteuren aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Verwaltung.